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- Forget Resolutions
Forget Resolutions
One Word
“Where did this come from?” I know, that’s probably what you’re thinking. I won’t be upset if you admit you forgot all about this newsletter. It’s literally been one year since I published the last one.
If you know me personally, you know life got a little busy and some MAJOR changes happened. I quit my job that I had for 15 years and moved my family to Brazil to be a missionary pastor. While that’s a story for another time, you can follow our adventure here (blog) and here (youtube).
Let’s Get Back at It
I started listening to podcasts in 2018. The first one I listened to was Jon Gordon’s Positive U after a coworker/friend recommended it. Shortly thereafter I adopted a practice that Jon recommends: do not make New Year’s resolutions. Instead, choose one word.
The idea is that resolutions are usually the same, too many to remember, and are often unrealistic and therefore unattainable, and therefore useless. Instead choose one word.
This one word should define what you want to focus on for the next year. Or maybe it should be a simple characteristic about yourself you want to change, or a new habit you want to implement. It is simple and focused, and you have all year to “practice” it. It is also something that compounds over time.
Instead of having 6 resolutions for the year (that you never keep), you can have a different one word for six years in a row and hopefully half of them may have made some positive impact on your life. If you’re really awesome, all 6 could have changed you into that much better of a person.
My words were as follows:
2019: Next Year (just kidding. I didn’t do it this year)
2020: Commit
2021: Innovate
2022: Converge
This is by far the most boring word I’ve selected. I don’t have a formula for how I pick a word. It comes from prayer, thinking, reading, and ultimately what I feel in my spirit and what I think God is guiding me towards or challenging me with.
Prudence is not going to win "Word of the Year” anytime soon. You probably cannot remember the last time you even used the word. So, to refresh your memory:
Prudence: wise in practical affairs, as by providing for the future; caution with regard to practical matters; discretion; provident care in the management of resources; economy; frugality.
Prudent: wise or judicious in practical affairs; discreet or circumspect; sagacious; sober; careful in providing for the future.
Why this word? It’ll probably be several years before I really know why. But figuring that I’m a missionary pastor in Brazil, it makes sense naturally. No need to be clever. The practical implications of prudence are obvious. But I also know this word, idea, concept and discipline should become part of my character and identity. It is something I need to keep in mind the entire year, and for life.
It is not just a goal. It is something that must be added to my life, like 2 Peter 1:5-7: “…make every effort to supplement your faith.…” In other words, permanently add this, or, add it and keep on adding it.
Another scripture I read just last week that jumped out at me:
Proverbs 20:18, “Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war.”
In Portuguese, the word counsel is translated prudence.
Also, Proverbs 21:5, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”
I’m still developing my thoughts on prudence and being prudent. But I wanted to share it with you all and hopefully help you a little bit as the calendar page turns. Make resolutions if you want to but keep them simple and reasonable. Or scrap them and just pick one word like I’ve been doing. Either way, I hope each day you keep making the next winning decision.
And yes, after a year off, Winning Minds is BACK!
Maybe your one word could be “Share” because you want to share this with two friends. Just a suggestion…