
The Worst Kind of Inflation

Why write about money? Because money stresses people out. You know it and studies prove it (do I really need to provide links?). It is one of the greatest causes of stress in our lives and relationships and has tremendous impact on our mental health. It is one of those things most people don't like to talk about but are always thinking about. So, I'm writing about it.

Bad Money & Inflation

In Malachi 3, God rebukes His people for robbing Him specifically in tithes and offerings. At first glance, this may seem to be merely a financial issue, but from a deeper perspective, this is about more than money. It is about the corruption of God’s divine economy.

To understand this, let’s consider the modern effects of inflation and corruption in economics. When a government “creates” money, theoretically there should be something backing it (like gold, for example) besides them merely declaring it as money.

Gov: “This is money. Use it.”

Citizens: “Why?”

Gov: “Because we said so."

Citizens: “Uhh...”

Gov: "Or else!"

Citizens: "Ok!"

When they create (more) money without real value backing it, the purchasing power of that currency declines. What once held great worth becomes diluted, and as a result, people suffer. This is like realizing you are running out of chicken soup. Instead of doing the work of making more, you simply add more water. Eventually, everyone is drinking chicken broth.

Corrupt financial systems, dishonest policies, and self-serving greed devalue money, making it less effective in serving what should be its true purpose.

Now, let’s apply this principle spiritually: Mankind is God’s currency. He created us in His image, endowed us with intrinsic worth, and placed us in the world to bring about transformation, and promote righteousness and justice. However, when we live in disobedience, deceit, and self-interest - when we rob God not just in tithes but in our entire way of life - we devalue ourselves and the world around us.

Mankind as God’s Currency

The Bible tells us that we are made in the image of God. This means that, like currency designed to store value and to be exchanged for meaningful work, we were designed to represent God’s nature and produce good in the world. We are not just individual beings; we are God’s economy in action.

We, like money, are meant to circulate. Just as money is not meant to be hoarded but used to produce good, we are created to be active in bringing righteousness, justice, love and salvation to others.

We are designed to have and maintain value. Currency has worth because it is (or is backed by something) real, durable, and authentic. Likewise, our worth comes from being created and stamped with God’s image.

We are called to create growth. Money in a healthy economy leads to prosperity. It allows for and incentivizes labor and exchange in mutually benefitting ways. In the same way, when we live righteously, we produce spiritual growth, community strength, and godly influence in our world.

However, just as counterfeit money and corrupt financial practices ruin economies, sinful and dishonest living weakens God’s intended design for us.

The Corruption of God’s Economy: Sinflation

When Israel neglected their tithes and offerings, they weren’t just withholding money. God is revealing the deeper issue: spiritual dishonesty. They were refusing to operate according to God’s comprehensive economic system. In the same way that inflation weakens the value of a currency, sin destroys people’s value. It robs them of dignity and life. There is a ton to unpack there, but we don't have the time or space right now.

Compromise dilutes our witness: When believers engage in dishonest behavior, it is like a government printing worthless money (e.g.: We acquire goods, services and favor without paying the true price for it. We acquire what we want through unethical means). In the short-term, we get what we want. However, it diminishes the credibility of our reputation and the durability of our influence. Distrust begins to settle in and our word is no longer enough (remember the chicken soup?).

Greed and selfishness create economic collapse: Corrupt leaders manipulate money for personal gain, causing entire economies to suffer. Likewise, when we live for ourselves instead of for God’s purpose, we create poverty around us. This is not merely economical, but also emotional and social poverty. Our selfishness creates an environment that incentivizes others to also be selfish. Trust and cooperation become casualties, which is fatal to the relationships that build a solid and safe community.

Disobedience undermines our purpose: Inflation makes currency less effective. Money that once was able to provide goods and services in a community now provides less of those goods and services. This becomes a vicious cycle of unemployment and lack of resources. In the same way, sin makes us ineffective in transforming the world around us. We were meant to bring change. "The kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Jesus said. But corruption in our hearts reduces our capacity to bring heaven into our world. We are supposed to be heralds and force multipliers of God’s goodwill towards mankind. When we actively undermine the wholesome and redemptive standards of His governance, it creates a cycle of broken relationships and reduced quality of life.

Deflation: Repentance & Redemption

Malachi 3:10 gives us the solution:

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

God is calling His people back to financial integrity, but more importantly, He is calling them back to their original purpose. Just as an economy is restored through honest incentives, integrity, and sound financial practices, our spiritual value is restored when we return to relationship with God and cooperating with His protocols.

Full coopetition with God’s economy: This means not just tithing, but giving our lives fully to God’s work.

Rejecting corruption and dishonesty: Just as an economy thrives on trust and ethical standards, our lives flourish when we live righteously. This is not just the intangible benefit of religious practices. This is immensely practical in every area and relationship of life.

Becoming instruments of change: Money is meant to facilitate transactions that create progress and prosperity. We are meant to be God’s instruments for change, bringing the Gospel to the world. The impact of committed, Christ-like men and women throughout history has improved society far more than any other kind of person. The frauds have done incalculable damage, but the authentic ones have done far more good.

Living as God’s True Wealth

If we truly believe that we are God’s currency, then our lives must reflect His economic principles. We must reject "sinflation": diluting our value and effectiveness with sin, and instead, embrace integrity, righteousness, and obedience. Just as a nation’s economy can be restored through honest practices, individual people, families and communities can be restored by returning to relationship with God.

Malachi 3 is not just about tithing; it is about value - God’s value in us and our role in His divine economy. When we live according to His principles, we do not just store up treasure in heaven; we actively cause transformation on earth.