
Because Monday


Last week, I included a message saying the newsletter is moving to Tuesday morning. This is just a reminder, and proof I didn’t get lazy or forget to write!

Tuesday Morning

Mondays are crazy enough and adding one more thing (reading your favorite newsletter) to your list of things to do or catch up on isn’t great for mental health. Kinda defeats the purpose.

Also, if you think people hate Mondays, you should talk to Tuesday. According to my research, Tuesday is most people’s least favorite day of the week. And for the record, my research follows the industry standard for political polling.

Mondays are…Mondays. Enough said.

Wednesdays are known as “hump day”; we’re over the hump - halfway to the weekend!

Thursday gets a little love because it’s almost Friday.

Friday literally has its own restaurant: TGIF. What could be greater than that?

Saturday and Sunday, do I really need to explain?

So, here’s to Monday getting a little better and a little less hectic, and Tuesday becoming your new favorite day of the week.

See you tomorrow!